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marlin homing feedrate

Compiling firmware: "homing_feedrate now uses MM_M array instead" Hey folks - so I'm trying to upgrade my firmware, and I'm using Vcode and auto build Marlin with Marlin 2.0.bug fix and the BTT Skr mini v 1.2 confit files. For DELTA Z home must be set to the top-most position. M303 should be used to tune PID values before using any new hotend components. If enabled. Set the servo sub-settings above according to your particular extruders setup instructions. Configuration Files/Alex's Config/Configuration_adv.h Configuration_adv.h ; Default E3V2 Config . Thank you TechMasterJoe! They provide pretty complete descriptions of each option, and are themselves the source for most of the information presented here. The mesh inset is used to automatically calculate the probe boundaries. This option works around that bug, but otherwise should be left off. The order isnt always logical, so Search In Page may be helpful. DO NOT enable E2_DRIVER_TYPE - this may produce undesirable results that can harm your machine. The first two options deal with continuous thermal protection during an entire print job. The same lines of code are still in the ABL version of marlin_main.cpp, but they're harder to find since the code is all chopped up by ifdefs related to ABL. I cant increase the HOMING_FEEDRATE because its a prusa i3 and the speed is already at the maximum. An ADVANCED_OK (M105) needs 32 bytes. { 14.4, 871 }, \ Some examples: stepper/driver heatsink, active cooling, dual motors on the axis, reduce micro-stepping, check belt for over tension, check components for smooth motion, etc. Printrun may have trouble receiving long strings all at once. //#define FIL_RUNOUT_PULLDOWN // Use internal pulldown for filament runout pins. { 1.5, 3000 }, \ This option adds support for M149 C, M149 K, and M149 F to set temperature units to Celsius, Kelvin, or Fahrenheit. Your Marlin source is not the latest bugfix-2.0.x source. This allows Marlin to do extra logic related to the bed size when it differs from the movement limits below. Odd question, when setting homing feedrates it is displayed like HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z (12*60) does that mean the real number is 720 mm/m? Most people might think of printers as having four motors - one for each direction and one for the extruder. Then each consecutive probe point uses the Z position of the probe point preceding it. The number of linear motions that can be in the plan at any give time. Settings saved in EEPROM persist across reboots and still remain after flashing new firmware, so always send M502, M500 (or Reset EEPROM from the LCD) after flashing. Settings saved to EEPROM (with M500) are loaded automatically whenever the machine restarts (and in most setups, when connecting to a host), overriding the defaults set in the configuration files. With Marlin you can directly specify the bed size. Adds the M3, M4, and M5 commands to turn the spindle/laser on and off, and to set spindle speed, spindle direction, and laser power. SuperPid is a router/spindle speed controller used in the CNC milling community. When using a 32-bit board you just have to define the name of the serial port which will be used for communication with the MMU2. Use the optimizations here to improve printing performance, which can be adversely affected by graphical display drawing, especially when doing several short moves, and when printing on DELTA and SCARA machines. . Keep this setting low to reduce RAM usage. This wait is only sent when the buffer is empty. An experimental G1 direct mixing option is included. #define K1 0.95. */, /** #define Z_HOME_DIR -1, #define X_BED_SIZE 200 #endif, #if HAS_BED_PROBE && TEMP_SENSOR_PROBE && TEMP_SENSOR_BED, //#define SAVED_POSITIONS 1 // Each saved position slot costs 12 bytes, #define ARC_SUPPORT // Disable this feature to save ~3226 bytes #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change. Extra endstops will appear in the output of 'M119'. M240 triggers a camera by emulating a Canon RC-1 Remote Data as described on this site. A Switching Extruder is a dual extruder that uses a single stepper motor to drive two filaments, but only one at a time. This option adds G10/G11 commands for automatic firmware-based retract/recover. The tip of the probe pin should be 2.3-4.3mm above the nozzle. With additional work the TWIBus class can be used to build a full protocol and add remote control features to Marlin, distributing load over two or more boards. I recently upgraded my M2 Firmware to Marlin V2 Bugfix to get my Makergear M2 Rev E up and running 4/3/2021. Available with MESH_BED_LEVELING, AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR, and AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL. (e.g., RAMPS 1.4 uses AUX3 pins X_CS_PIN 53, Y_CS_PIN 49, etc.). Marlin offers two levels of thermal protection: More thermal protection options are located in Configuration_adv.h. Time can be set by M18 & M84. With Dual X-Carriage the HOTEND_OFFSET_X setting for T1 overrides X2_HOME_POS. You just have to provide the appropriate G-code commands with the feedrate you want in them. This option is useful to figure out the cause of unexpected behaviors, or when reporting issues to the project. Two separate X-carriages with extruders that connect to a moving part via a magnetic docking mechanism using movements and no solenoid. * 'M4 I' sets dynamic mode which uses the current feedrate to calculate a laser power OCR value. #else, #define BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE 16 // maximize block buffer The serial communication speed of the printer should be as fast as it can manage without generating errors. Requires an LCD display. This option applies only to character-based displays. Remember that cold surfaces near hot surfaces can lead to condensation, which is NOT GOOD for electronics. Disable for release! Marlin trae, en la carpeta Marlin-1.1.x\Marlin\example_configurations\Anet\, dos carpetas . #define MESH_TEST_BED_TEMP 60 // (C) Default bed temperature for the G26 Mesh Validation Tool. Marlin provides two dummy sensors for testing purposes. Marlin currently supplies two options for RGB-addressable color indicators. Printer style, such as Cartesian, Delta, CoreXY, or SCARA. This option reverses the encoder direction everywhere. (1 / FTM_FS). In binary this is div 256. #define TEMP_SENSOR_4 0 Set with M113. Z Safe Homing prevents Z from homing when the probe (or nozzle) is outside bed area by moving to a defined XY point (by default, the middle of the bed) before Z Homing when homing all axes with G28. It is no longer enabled automatically for LCD controllers with built-in SDCard slot. #endif, //#define LCD_PRINTER_INFO_IS_BOOTSCREEN // Show bootscreen(s) instead of Printer Info pages, #define LED_COLOR_PRESETS // Enable the Preset Color menu option, #define LED_USER_PRESET_RED 255 // User defined RED value, #define LED_USER_PRESET_GREEN 128 // User defined GREEN value, #define LED_USER_PRESET_BLUE 0 // User defined BLUE value, #define LED_USER_PRESET_WHITE 255 // User defined WHITE value, #define LED_USER_PRESET_BRIGHTNESS 255 // User defined intensity, //#define LED_USER_PRESET_STARTUP // Have the printer display the user preset color on startup, #define BOOTSCREEN_TIMEOUT 4000 // (ms) Total Duration to display the boot screen(s) The listing above these options in Configuration.h contains all the thermistors and thermocouples that Marlin knows and supports. These are the most crucial settings for your printer, as they determine how accurately the steppers will position the axes. With Automatic Temperature the hotend target temperature is calculated by all the buffered lines of G-code. #define DEFAULT_TRAVEL_ACCELERATION 3000 // X, Y, Z acceleration for travel (non printing) moves, //#define TRAVEL_EXTRA_XYJERK 0.0 // Additional jerk allowance for all travel moves, //#define LIMITED_JERK_EDITING // Limit edit via M205 or LCD to DEFAULT_aJERK * 2, #define MAX_JERK_EDIT_VALUES { 20, 20, 0.6, 10 } // or, set your own edit limits, #define DEFAULT_EJERK 5.0 // May be used by Linear Advance, #define JUNCTION_DEVIATION_MM 0.013 // (mm) Distance from real junction edge Use these settings to specify the hotend and bed temperature sensors. Discussion. Whenever an M140 or M190 increases the target temperature the firmware will wait for the WATCH_BED_TEMP_PERIOD to expire, and if the temperature hasnt increased by WATCH_BED_TEMP_INCREASE degrees, the machine is halted, requiring a hard reset. // Hephestos 2 24V heated bed upgrade kit. #define E_ENABLE_ON 0 // For all extruders, #define DISABLE_X false Validate that endstops are triggered on homing moves. More information will be included in an upcoming Delta configuration page. See Configuration_adv.h for further information. If the filament runs out, Marlin will run the specified G-code script (by default M600). A servo is used to move one of the nozzles up and down. Some hosts start sending commands while receiving a wait. Correct the wrong arc g-codes sent by SkeinForge when using Arc Point as fillet procedure. * M4: 40 = Clockwise, 41 = Counter-Clockwise Indoor temperatures range from 10C-40C, but a value of 0 might be appropriate for an unheated workshop. Unzip it into a folder of your choosing. 1 second is a good value here. For example, G1 Z-100 can be min constrained to G1 Z0. * More refined power control such as compesation for accell/decell will be addressed in future releases. // tweaks made to the configuration are affecting the printer in real-time. Gradually change from blue to violet as the heated bed gets to target temp. As for the homing issue, that is correct. It is crucial to obtain accurate temperature measurements. Heatinging the bed and extruder for probing will produce results that more accurately correspond with your bed if you typically print with the bed heated. Show a progress bar on HD44780 LCDs for SD printing. Use these options to set to the state (HIGH or LOW) that applies to each endstop and the Z probe, if enabled. #define MPE_FAST_SPEED 9000 // (mm/m) Speed for travel before last distance point, #define MPE_SLOW_SPEED 4500 // (mm/m) Speed for last distance travel to park and couple, #define MPE_TRAVEL_DISTANCE 10 // (mm) Last distance point, #define MPE_COMPENSATION 0 // Offset Compensation -1 , 0 , 1 (multiplier) only for coupling, //#define ELECTROMAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD, #if ANY(SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD, MAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD, ELECTROMAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD), #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_Y_POS 235 // (mm) Y position of the toolhead dock, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_Y_SECURITY 10 // (mm) Security distance Y axis, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_Y_CLEAR 60 // (mm) Minimum distance from dock for unobstructed X axis, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_X_POS { 215, 0 } // (mm) X positions for parking the extruders, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_SERVO_NR 2 // Index of the servo connector, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_SERVO_ANGLES { 0, 180 } // (degrees) Angles for Lock, Unlock, #elif ENABLED(MAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD), #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_Y_RELEASE 5 // (mm) Security distance Y axis, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_X_SECURITY { 90, 150 } // (mm) Security distance X axis (T0,T1), //#define PRIME_BEFORE_REMOVE // Prime the nozzle before release from the dock, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_PRIME_MM 20 // (mm) Extruder prime length, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_RETRACT_MM 10 // (mm) Retract after priming length, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_PRIME_FEEDRATE 300 // (mm/m) Extruder prime feedrate, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 2400 // (mm/m) Extruder retract feedrate, #elif ENABLED(ELECTROMAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD), #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_Z_HOP 2 // (mm) Z raise for switching, #define MIXING_STEPPERS 2 // Number of steppers in your mixing extruder, #define MIXING_VIRTUAL_TOOLS 16 // Use the Virtual Tool method with M163 and M164, //#define DIRECT_MIXING_IN_G1 // Allow ABCDHI mix factors in G1 movement commands, //#define HOTEND_OFFSET_X { 0.0, 20.00 } // (mm) relative X-offset for each nozzle, //#define HOTEND_OFFSET_Y { 0.0, 5.00 } // (mm) relative Y-offset for each nozzle, //#define HOTEND_OFFSET_Z { 0.0, 0.00 } // (mm) relative Z-offset for each nozzle, #define PSU_ACTIVE_HIGH false // Set 'false' for ATX (1), 'true' for X-Box (2), //#define PS_DEFAULT_OFF // Keep power off until enabled directly with M80, //#define AUTO_POWER_CONTROL // Enable automatic control of the PS_ON pin, #define AUTO_POWER_FANS // Turn on PSU if fans need power, //#define AUTO_POWER_E_TEMP 50 // (C) Turn on PSU over this temperature, //#define AUTO_POWER_CHAMBER_TEMP 30 // (C) Turn on PSU over this temperature, #define TEMP_SENSOR_0 1 //For beds that fall when Z is powered off. // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle. The firmware needs to know what board it will be running on so it can assign the right functions to all pins and take advantage of the full capabilities of the board. #define TRAMMING_POINT_NAME_1 "Front-Left", #define TRAMMING_POINT_NAME_2 "Front-Right", #define TRAMMING_POINT_NAME_3 "Back-Right", #define TRAMMING_POINT_NAME_4 "Back-Left", #define RESTORE_LEVELING_AFTER_G35 // Enable to restore leveling setup after operation, //#define REPORT_TRAMMING_MM // Report Z deviation (mm) for each point relative to the first, //#define ASSISTED_TRAMMING_WIZARD // Add a Tramming Wizard to the LCD menu, //#define ASSISTED_TRAMMING_WAIT_POSITION { X_CENTER, Y_CENTER, 30 } // Move the nozzle out of the way for adjustment, /** A probe that is deployed and stowed with a solenoid pin (Defined as SOL1_PIN.). #if ENABLED(ARC_SUPPORT), #define MM_PER_ARC_SEGMENT 1 // Length of each arc segment, #define N_ARC_CORRECTION 25 // Number of intertpolated segments between corrections, //#define ARC_P_CIRCLES // Enable the 'P' parameter to specify complete circles, //#define CNC_WORKSPACE_PLANES // Allow G2/G3 to operate in XY, ZX, or YZ planes, #define G38_MINIMUM_MOVE 0.0275 // (mm) Minimum distance that will produce a move With this option is active, the Z steppers will only turn on at the last moment before they move. When the velocity of any axis changes, its acceleration (or deceleration) in mm/s/s is limited by the current max acceleration setting. For M851 and LCD menus give a range for adjusting the Z probe offset. The second set of options applies to changes in target temperature. // Specify between 1 and HOTENDS values per array. Start with 250000 and only go lower if line number and checksum errors start to appear. Change to white to illuminate work surface. #define Y_BED_SIZE 200, #define X_MIN_POS 0 To use the MMU2 you also have to, All details are configured in [Configuration_adv.h]. // Useful for a sensor at the end of a feed tube. There is a way to increase the probing accuracy by using double probing where the second probe is advancing slower to the build platform as can be seen in the Marlin Configuration.h file: // Feedrate (mm/m) for the first approach when double-probing (MULTIPLE_PROBING == 2) #define Z_PROBE_SPEED_FAST HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z // Feedrate (mm/m) for the . Turn off after the print has finished and the user has pushed a button. Be careful when first setting these. Dont enable plugs used for non-endstop and non-probe purposes here. Rewiping.\nG28\nG12 P0 S12 T0", #define G29_FAILURE_COMMANDS "M117 Bed leveling failed.\nG0 Z10\nM300 P25 S880\nM300 P50 S0\nM300 P25 S880\nM300 P50 S0\nM300 P25 S880\nM300 P50 S0\nG4 S1" To solve this issue, this option sets the number of milliseconds a hotend will preheat before Marlin starts to check the temperature. // - Allow Z homing only after X and Y homing AND stepper drivers still enabled. Adds the M150 command to set the LED (or LED strip) color. I found that the one I printed can move position on the aluminium extrusion.. its is a old file enven in 1.6 is says it was from a previous version . Measure NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET. The default calculation can be overridden by setting SHAPING_MIN_FREQ and/or SHAPING_MAX_FEEDRATE. Set Max Feedrate | Marlin Firmware G0-G1: Linear Move G2-G3: Arc or Circle Move G4: Dwell G5: Bzier cubic spline G6: Direct Stepper Move G10: Retract G11: Recover G12: Clean the Nozzle G17-G19: CNC Workspace Planes G20: Inch Units G21: Millimeter Units G26: Mesh Validation Pattern G27: Park toolhead G28: Auto Home G29: Bed Leveling A probe deployed by moving the X-axis (e.g., Wilson IIs rack-and-pinion probe designed by Marty Rice.). In most cases 115200 gives a good balance between speed and stability. Err: MAXTEMP: This error usually means that the temperature sensor wires are shorted together. * Each tool uses different value ranges for speed / power control. M115 tells Marlin to send the current temperature to the host at regular intervals, instead of requiring the host software to send M105 repeatedly. Only a single extruder is supported at this time. In Marlin, you set the maximum feed rates ( speeds ) by changing : /** * Default Max Feed Rate (mm/s) * Override with M203 * X, Y, Z, E0 [ [,|E1 [ [,|E2 [, E3]]]]] */ #define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE { 500, 500, 2.25, 45 } Note the unit is millimeters per seconds. Enable this option to suppress the warning given in cases when reduced accuracy is likely to occur. #define SDCARD_RATHERRECENTFIRST This setting affects the way automatic home positions (those not set with MANUAL_[XYZ]_POS) are calculated. Use M355 to turn on/off and control the brightness. //#define EVENT_GCODE_IDEX_AFTER_MODECHANGE "G28X", #define X_HOME_BUMP_MM 5 Junction Deviation is now the default mode. The values are relative E distances and feed rates in mm/m. The Pra Calculator is a great tool to help find the right values for your specific printer configuration. Distance from the filament width sensor to the melt chamber. Most settings will come over without changes, then you can review any tricky changes that remain. // For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle. Test your encoders behavior first with both of the following options disabled. M301 can be used to set Hotend PID and is also accessible through the LCD. // 1/2 * (FTM_FS / FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ) for ZV. Zero Vibration (ZV) Input Shaping for X and/or Y movements. #define INVERT_E3_DIR false If an axis is inverted, either flip the plug around or change its invert setting. * Enable the G26 Mesh Validation Pattern tool. * M5: 50 = Clockwise, 51 = Counter-Clockwise Enable this if you dont want the power supply to switch on when you turn on the printer. */, /** #endif, #define DEFAULT_Kc (100) //heating power=Kc*(e_speed), //#define PID_FAN_SCALING_ALTERNATIVE_DEFINITION, #if ENABLED(PID_FAN_SCALING_ALTERNATIVE_DEFINITION), #define PID_FAN_SCALING_AT_FULL_SPEED 13.0 //=PID_FAN_SCALING_LIN_FACTOR*255+DEFAULT_Kf, #define PID_FAN_SCALING_AT_MIN_SPEED 6.0 //=PID_FAN_SCALING_LIN_FACTOR*PID_FAN_SCALING_MIN_SPEED+DEFAULT_Kf, #define PID_FAN_SCALING_MIN_SPEED 10.0 // Minimum fan speed at which to enable PID_FAN_SCALING, #define DEFAULT_Kf (255.0*PID_FAN_SCALING_AT_MIN_SPEED-PID_FAN_SCALING_AT_FULL_SPEED*PID_FAN_SCALING_MIN_SPEED)/(255.0-PID_FAN_SCALING_MIN_SPEED), #define PID_FAN_SCALING_LIN_FACTOR (PID_FAN_SCALING_AT_FULL_SPEED-DEFAULT_Kf)/255.0, #define PID_FAN_SCALING_LIN_FACTOR (0) // Power loss due to cooling = Kf * (fan_speed), #define DEFAULT_Kf 10 // A constant value added to the PID-tuner, #define PID_FAN_SCALING_MIN_SPEED 10 // Minimum fan speed at which to enable PID_FAN_SCALING, //#define MAX_CONSECUTIVE_LOW_TEMPERATURE_ERROR_ALLOWED 0, #define TEMP_SENSOR_AD595_OFFSET 0.0 If experiencing resolution loss when SOFT_PWM_SCALE is set to a value greater than 0, SOFT_PWM_DITHER can be used to mitigate it. I use the ABL baseline even though I don't have ABL. * Speed / Power can be set ('M3 S') and displayed in terms of: Setting these too high will cause the corresponding stepper motor to lose steps, especially on high speed movements. Heated bed gets to target temp of G-code turn on/off and control the brightness emulating. Arc point as fillet procedure option, and are themselves the source for most of the nozzle its a i3! Ocr value camera by emulating a Canon RC-1 Remote Data as described this... Addressed in future releases reporting issues to the project do NOT enable E2_DRIVER_TYPE - may... When reduced accuracy is likely to occur its invert setting define DISABLE_X false that... Control the brightness DISABLE_X false Validate that endstops are triggered on homing moves CoreXY, when! Command to set hotend PID and is also accessible through the LCD Cartesian, Delta, CoreXY, or reporting... 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